Long Drive

Long-ish drive today, about 350 miles or so. But a good drive because we got to pick up the dogs (and see the cats of course).

JimBob was over the moon to see me of course, but Mason was not exactly enthusiastic to see my wife. I think she was a little hurt by the subdued reaction from Mason but it could just be that he thought he'd been abandoned a few days earlier and hasn't been with us long enough to get that bond. Apparently he cried for two days after we left. After a few minutes he worked out who my wife was (his owner) and greeted her.

By the time she got outside with him, he was running for the car, and nothing could slow him down when he saw home.

Really do enjoy being up in Alabama, never thought I'd say that 10 years ago. Even looked at a bit of land briefly - now wouldn't that be funny??!! Trouble is that the land is far too expensive as it stands, and what with it having a cliff in the middle of it, 3.6 acres becomes substantially less usable. But heck - owning a (bit of a) cliff!!

I'm sure we'll come back to this another day. Nice to dream.

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