Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Who needs sleep?

I forgot to take my camera out with me today and so as a result I saw lots of things to blip. I'd planned on blipping something at the hospital. I could have blipped the girl on the bus with the really bad fake hair extension mullet, or the tram men playing around with a clear umberella or the man half down a hole on his mobile phone or various things around Leith that I may blip in future.

As a result I ended up blipping the word sleep. I had a hospital appointment today that relates to my blip. I don't like hospitals and I generally don't like Doctors. This one was good, she actually listened to me which is more than can be said for a lot that I've seen in the past. Being referred for some stuff and left the appointment far happier.

It amused me that the Barenaked Ladies track "Who needs sleep?" played both before I went and after I got back from the hospital, sometimes I think my music player knows me too well.

Followed this up with some much needed flatmate social time and then an evening in the pub catching up with some friends.

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