Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Only one today.

I didn't take any photos earlier today as I knew I was going to Jekyll and Hyde tonight and that place has interesting things to photograph everywhere you look.

I should have known it would be busy. Friday night in Edinburgh, I was already double booked for two events at the same venue (miraculous accidental planning) and there was a full moon (or nearly full for those pedants out there who are going to tell me it's not full until tomorrow night) which always brings out the crazy people.

As it was so busy, it meant that everything I saw that I thought would be interesting to photograph was behind a big group of drunk people. I'm not quite yet comfortable enough to just walk up to people say "excuse me, I need to photograph that bizarre lampshade/toilet door/gargoyle" and then walk off again.

I had a great night though. Had brief chats with the hippie gathering in amongst catching up with old drinking friends who I rarely see these days but who were out celebrating a friend's birthday.

Due to the above problems accessing interesting things to blip I only took one picture today. I don't even know his name but he took great delight in making someone's winged bag fly. Not a great photo, a little blurry but hey ho, I guess the quality of photos has never really been what this is about for me and I was determind to post something.

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