crazy maze

this is what I think a map of my movements at work might look like! Backwards and forwards and round the cafe, making drinks, cleaning, serving customers and fetching things (vases, takeaway boxes, tea, napkins) from the basement. 1000s of small steps. 

I also had to run for the bus this morning as I left the house a bit late - saw it whizz past but then it stopped - the driver had seen me (how nice!) and was waiting. I didn't know I could run that far....must be all the exercise I get at work haha.

D and I have started our Friday Fasts again. That means we eat our tea on a Thursday night and then its just clear fluids until Saturday night (him) or lunchtime (me). Its not so easy when you work in a place where everyone is eating, but I'm about 20 hours in now (halfway) and I feel fine. Instead of eating tea tonight, we have a double bill of "Taboo" on Netflix to look forward to.

Have a nice weekend, everybody!

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