The Privy Garden at Hampton Court

Made a quick visit to Hampton Court to check out the tulips. The early ones are in full bloom but lots of them need at least another week or so to flower properly. This is a view of the Privy Garden …this was originally designed for William III in about 1690. By the 19C it had become overgrown and was just a retreat for various grace and favour residents who lived there. However it was restored to its former glory in 1995 when archaeologists discovered the layout of the original flowerbeds and the original planting lists were used too. I remember just after this was done there was an exhibition explaining about the designs and planting etc.

The tulips are red, the narcissus white and there were also blue hyacinths but they are over now. Lovely to see a nice blue sky this morning and also many visitors to Hampton Court. It has been so quiet in recent months.

I will visit again in a week or so.
Lots of traffic problems on Hampton Court Bridge still as now only one lane each way even though it looks as if the west side is finished!

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