Deer in Home Park

Today I went to see if any swans are nesting in Home Park on the ponds there. En route I saw this smallish grouo of young deer. Home Park is a walled park of about 750 acres and is home to about 300 fallow deer which are descended from the original herd of Henry VIII. There is also a golf course in the park and the deer are not fenced off from it.

For the last two years there have been at least three pairs of swans on three different ponds but this year the water levels are still higher so where they did have their nests would have to be built up much more. However I did spot one nest with a swan sitting on it but it’s quite hidden so not possible to get a good photo.

Very few boats  on the river today, I think many people have gone away for Easter. But cars were being turned away from Hampton Court Palace car park so I hope the Palace will do well for revenue again as without foreign tourists they have had a lot less income and some parts are still not open again due to lack of staff.

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