Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Pepes new look ....

Howwwwwww gorgeous is ma'pooch !!!
I did try blipping Pepe in the groomers as Clipper bird is a friend of mine and she has a beautiful new engagement ring which is a gorgeous rather decent sized diamond I might add !! And do you know what my friend deserves it , she's put up with a lot this last few years I can assure you.ANYWAY I was trying to blip her engagement ring and Pepe but they were all blurred :( ...
Today I steamed the floors till they gleamed .. Gleamed I tell you .... And this evening I am off to pretend listen to the PTA chitter chatter ;)
Mr W best have my tea ready when I get home ... After all being a social whirlwind makes me really bloody hungry.

Thank you all you lovely people for the smashing support and birthday wishes for Alice yesterday xxxx

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