Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Three bad people in this group ..

Three people who refused to just bloody well sit and smile .. Three dickheads .. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE !!! If you knew the trouble this en masse photo caused me ... If you only knew ..... They made me shout .. I kicked off in the end .. See my clenched jaw ???? Swines ...

I have had such a fantastic day ..... It would have been so much better if I had been alone though ...
Can you see even baby Minnie is smiling in this picture .. She clearly responds to my yelling .... I love that baby .... I don't as a rule like babies but Minnie is exceptional and oh my god she is terribly advanced !! That fat little lump will be walking soon ! Talking if fat little lumps,Tits McGee disgraced herself again .... Filthy woman.

Quotes of the day ...
1.you will die in the car ...
2.you have one sausage each .... One. (Insert stern look) .....
3.its a mans right to look at porn ... Coming from a 14 year old male ..... Nice x

Hannah C ... three year blip..

Little Miss Gollum from TOWIE ..

Me being nice to porky baby.......

Angel of the North.. bab.

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