
The final piece in the redecoration jigsaw - new curtains for the lounge. They’ve taken a while being made and we have been assured that the material was an “absolute nightmare” to sew. But they do look good now they’re up and the temporary ones we have lived with for the past three months have been put up for sale on the local Sell and Seek site. There was enough material left over to make a couple of cushion covers, and Rachel said she would do these foc for us as we had waited longer than expected for the curtains. But she was going to let the seamstress have a holiday first before telling her there was a bit more sewing required with “that” material!
It’s been a “completist” couple of days actually as I had my bass setup tweaked to my satisfaction yesterday, as well as leaving the Taylor acoustic with the shop for them to sell on my behalf. I also picked up the ear buds for my in-ear monitors, so hopefully I’ll be able to try out the system at this weekends gigs. And I finally received confirmation that the templates I made for a cover for my new amp DO match the cover the company lists in their catalogue, so I can get that ordered at last.
Apart from the miserable weather, a good day all round.

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