An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

And they're off!


At last the day of the great Easter egg hunt arrived.  

Esme was supposed to come up to have a swim with Anna and Faith before the hunt but she has a post viral rash so Nikki thought she best avoid the chlorine.  Anna and Faith went in early as it wouldn't have gone down well with Esme if they'd been swimming while she was here.

Esme had fallen asleep on the way here so was a bit disorientated when she arrived but it didn't take her long to come round and soon she and Faith were running around hell for leather!  Thankfully it was dry outside so we could relocate to the garden, where  David the Easter Bunny had hidden all the eggs earlier.

Gathered in a row, with their egg collection bags to hand, they were sent on their way, and if the decibel level is an indication of how much fun they had then my very sore ears are worth it!  :-))

Eggs collected, we had a chocolate eating break, then on with the egg and spoon races, giant jenga, playing on the swing, hide and seek, chasing the dogs.  

As the temperature dropped we moved inside to play pin the tail on the Easter bunny, followed by a buffet dinner of pizza, quiche, sausage rolls, salad, and nibbles.  

The girls looked exhausted and Esme was only happy to go home because we'd made plans to meet up with her the following day at the Kelpies.

Esme was gone all of 5 minutes before Faith was zonked out on the sofa.

It's been a hectic but lovely day.  I hope we've created some wonderful memories for the little ones.  

More in extras :-)

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