By lizzie_birkett

Wild Garlic…

…in Skipton Castle Woods.
We were there this morning at 8am and Lucy was fascinated when we walked past the castle. On the way back we stopped to talk to a man’s lovely old Staffie - who Bella took an instant dislike to - and then we got talking to the man. It turns out he was a guide at the castle, taking school children on guided tours. Lucy bombarded him with questions - she is not backward in coming forward! He pointed out a hole in the wall quite high up and told the girls it was the out flow from the ancient toilet and pees and poos went straight down into the river. They couldn’t get their heads round it and thought it very funny. 
We got back to the boat and had a cuppa then I decided to take the girls into the castle so we set off walking again and left Frank to have some peace. Skipton Castle is one the most intact castles in England. I think since last time we were there some bits had been cordoned off to make a one way system due to the pandemic so it didn’t take long to go round.
Amelia had a sit down on the ‘Long Drop’ toilet the man had told them about (extra). The kitchen was my favourite bit.
I think Lucy was expecting it all to be furnished like in a princess castle so she was a bit disappointed but she still enjoyed it. Amelia ticked the rooms off on the chart we were given.
Afterwards we walked down the High St past all the shops. I thought the girls might have pestered to buy something but they hardly even looked. Sabrina said they never ask much for things.
We took the boat back to the mooring and then came back to the house and sat outside for a bit; they played Dominoes with Frank while I went in to tidy up and vacuum.The girls went to the park at the end of our road which they enjoyed, as they can go by themselves and I can see them from the landing window.
They needed some down time then so played an on line game remotely with Amelia’s friend then watch some telly before bed at 8pm. They were both out like lights.


Little heads full of questions
Who? How? What happens if?
Where does it come from?
Where does it go to? And why?
Aaaah, curiosity, such a precious gift.

Goodnight Blip friends, hope your day has been good. 

I feel anger at our government yet again! I think you’ll all know what I’m on about. Priti-awful-Patel for one backed by Boris and the rest of the heartless bunch they are. What planet are they on? I wish they were on a very distant one that’s for sure!

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