
By LadyPride

Get your socks off

The last time this tree was in heavy blossom, I was heavily pregnant. I remember looking at it and drawing the parallels. I also remember thinking, the next time this tree is in blossom, my baby will be here. And wondering what life would hold...

It was a beautiful day today. I took my socks off and put the new cropped skinny jeans on I'd bought from Zara for Spring with a pair of pumps. No socks. Amazing!

Audrey's illness continued sadly. We hardly slept a wink last night. It was like having a newborn baby in the house again. She screamed, twisted and turned and would only be soothed when we pulled her out of the cot. Her upset stomach is still here so we've taken her off the milk completely.

Spoke to a doctor tonight in Chorlton who confirmed that she probably has viral gastroenteritis and reassured us that we're doing the right thing.

It is typical that tomorrow I am leaving her overnight for the first time since she was born. I desperately want to visit a dear friend who had a baby boy over four months ago but lives in Winchester. I can't believe I haven't met him yet. I feel racked with guilt about leaving Audrey while she's ill but my husband and his Mum are going to take care of her. Hopefully when I'm back, she'll be on the road to recovery. Finally.

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