And they're off
The morning was a bit fraught, back to school tension bubbling under the surface. And we had to make an emergency run to the sports shop to buy a tennis racket last minute. But she did some bassoon practice, got all her packing finished and chilled with a bit of lego time. Uncle Simon was a bit late picking her up so she was a little on edge but alright enough.
She'd decided she wanted to show him and the grandparents our new church building as the cafe was open for the day because of a fundraising event. Uncle Simon thought it fabulous how everyone knew and loved Katie. Katie was delighted that it meant she got to say goodbye to Steph too.
They got in the road about 2 and had a fairly good journey. I got a phone call about an hour away from simons, requiring me to settle a (good natured) squabble between the two of them in a game. My brother is so fiercely competitive that he refused to accept Katie had beaten in a game and knew something he didn't! He was, in fact, wrong.
They got back just before 6 and my nephew was made up to have his big cousin back. Katie messaged me to say the new pj's I had to send through amazon had just been delivered and that they were about to watch a movie. All was well.
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