Hellos and Goodbyes

A beautiful day in Dublin to celebrate a loving Uncle.

It was sad to say goodbye to another big character from my childhood, and the tributes at the service were very moving. But the Irish don't really do sad funerals. Whilst we would rather be visiting under happier circumstances, it was lovely to have the opportunity to see cousins (and their partners and children) and Aunties, Uncles, Neighbours and Friends.

We only have family left on my mum's side, and, apart from two siblings who live in this country, all are overseas. To be welcomed so wholeheartedly into an extended family is a joy. It makes you realise how important families are.

Our family round the world shared today with us through Facebook (and blip!) - and although they we were thousands of miles apart, they were talked about and cherished as if they were in the room (buying a round at the bar!).

A rollercoaster day that we wouldn't have missed for the world.

It also gave us the chance to visit my mum's grave and see the new stone to commemorate my mum and dad. (She would like the headstone - it's the biggest!!!)

Bye Uncle Billy xxx

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