Bye Bye Baby

I have become addicted to jelly babies in the past couple of years - they were my “go to” comfort food during the pandemic - but the most recent blood tests revealed that my sugars were creeping up again. This is not good news when you are Type 2 Diabetic. A combination of not as much aerobic exercise in the past twelve months, due to a pulled tendon, and an increase in sugary foods consumption is no doubt to blame.
I finished a packet of jelly babies before going out this morning, thinking I could get some more whilst I was in M&S. But when I got there, the cupboard was bare. Not a packet to be seen. Never mind, I thought, I’ll go to the gym and then pop into Asda on the way home. Their jelly babies aren’t as nice as the M&S ones, but they’d do the trick until I get my next fix of the real stuff.
But whilst I was working out, I got to thinking what was the point of exercising if I’m then going to stuff more sugar into my body. Answer - no point at all. So I made the decision that those jelly babies I had six hours ago were to be the last.
It is almost nine years since I gave up smoking. Like today, it was an instant decision, I stopped straight away and have not been tempted since. So I know I can do the same with jelly babies. In some ways, it will be easier because I’m not giving up sugar completely, just drastically reducing my intake. I did the same with beer - I will still have a couple of pints, but that’s once a year now, not every day! So maybe I’ll treat myself to some jelly babies for birthday and Christmas.
But be prepared for strange ranting posts over the next couple of weeks as the withdrawal symptoms kick in…

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