On the Estuary

We have had a good day exploring parts of the countryside around the Kent Estuary between Grange over Sands and Arnside.  We started off at Sizergh Castle - you can see the orchard in extras and some of the collection of Glass.  It is a fascinatingly convoluted house and we only saw a small part of it and how it has been "developed" since the 13th century.

We moved onto my favourite supermarket - Booths - this time in Milnthorpe.  We purchased a few little treats of our holiday (whiskey!) and then decided to head down to Arnside.  We were going to go over on the train another day but decided that as we were so close we would go for a wander today.  I had this idea that we might bump into Blipper Dog, Gus, and Blippers Gladders and Knottman.  Sadly they were not in evidence.  We had a good walk by the water avoiding the sandbanks and tidal fluctuations.  The main blip is a gull looking for food in some of the marine paraphernalia close to the water's edge.

Time for a whiskey now...

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