
Just a small view of what has  become a largish shrub. This dwarf azalea is now 4 ft across. Given to me some years back as a small pot plant and now thriving in my corner garden. 

Bank holiday weekend so we  thought a lot of places may be busy. Abbey House grounds was quiet. There are still large areas of raw earth where theyve cleared the trees and the spot that was a carpet of bluebells in previous years is bare.. 
So sad. 

Back home and decided to have a try at freezing flowers for the Camera Club's theme Flowers in Ice. I'm not sure how well the photos will turn out or the actual freezing process. Too late to freeze the cherry blossom. The wind and rain has blown off all the petals. Our neighbour will have regretted parking under the tree. It is covered in petals! 

Today would have been dad's Birthday. 102!  He died so long ago. I miss him. 

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