
By Valerie1940

Community Garden

On my morning walk today I called in for a proper look at the Community Garden. I had been in before but just for a brief look, today i walked all round. Not huge but good use made of a patch of land between two roads which used to be a wilderness and inaccessible. It is not a formal, manicured garden - it is tended by volunteers and designed to give pleasure to all ages. The grass is cut but not too short, wild flowers are under the trees, bird boxes, ornaments, obstacles to play on and scramble through, plastic bikes, scooters, pushers and other toys for young children,
 a firm gravel path wide enough for wheelchairs or buggies round and through the garden, seats and raised beds tended by groups young and old - from a Scout Cub group to the ‘Early Worms’ (Senior Citizens Group)
A couple of photos on the ‘extras’ - more on the facebook post comments

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