Diver Driver

By diverdriver

When in London.....

Deceiving title today as I'm nowhere near London. And the brew in the glass was not even the London Pride!

Rather, on an evening out with the family - including four Blippers and a close follower of Blip - at a local hostelry, courtesy of my parents.

And very pleasant it was too. Thank you both.

My meal was the Beef and Pepper sausage with mash and onion gravy. Mrs DD says I did not smell very nice the morning after - I'm back-blipping this.

It was very tasty. But it will be Sis-in-laws choice next time I think. Warm chicken and bacon salad which looked good.

Hoping to get another in the 'Hostelries visited on the bike' series later today. If this wind dies down a bit.

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