
By stujphoto

ST. Antony's Chapel from St. Margaret's Loch

Yesterday afternoon having picked up my favourite lens from repair (Canon 24-105mm) and completed my shopping in and around Edinburgh I had a few hours to kill before going to the Wednesday evening session of Edinburgh Photographic Society. A blip needed to be done. Where to go ? The weather was rainy on and off with high winds. I wanted to go to Dunsapie Loch in Holyrood Park but found the road closed 'due to toad migration'. Mind you it's been like that for some time now so either the whole toad population of the UK is migrating up here or there are some very arthritic toads about.

I decided to park just by the locked gate and to wander over to St. Margaret's Loch where thanks to a guy who had just dumped to two plastic bags full of bread there was a feeding frenzy going on between the swans and the gulls. I took loads of photos but none of them quite made the grade for me. I then tried my hand at getting moody shots of St. Antony's Chapel to be converted to monochrome later and also spent some time taking macro shots of peeling birch bark. Finally I decamped to Craigleith Shooping Centre to get a bite to eat and took some graphic shots of the trolley park. All in all it was a fairly productive afternoon given the iffy weather. I ended up choosing the monochrome of Sty. Antony's Chapel for my blip but you can see some of the the others in my FOLIO

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