Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

End-of-the-day blip

A bit of an emergency blip, taken on the way home from our local Indian restaurant.  I took part in a co-working experiment this morning, which was interesting and successful. I'm a member of a freelancing group and the idea was that you signed into the group's Zoom at a set time, shared in the chat box what you wanted to achieve in 2 x 50 min slots (based on the Pomodoro idea that you should focus on something for 50 mins) and then muted yourself but kept your camera on and worked uninterrupted for 50 mins. Then a 10 min break to move, share what you'd done, how it had worked and then back on mute for another 50'.  I managed to finish 2 jobs which had been hanging over me and which would have probably have taken me longer without this focus. The 3rd job, which I though I might get started, I did in the hour after signing out. It seemed silly not to just do it.  I use the 50' focus que often, but I think the accountability of sharing what you want to do helps. That, and a little chat with people, was a nice change of scene. Then a class with my new private student in the later afternoon finished the day. In-between times, I did some much needed weeding in the patio and some cutting back. I was just about to hack back our totally-out-of-control lavender, which is taking over and is a bit unsightly, when I noticed it had started to flower. I left it be. I didn't have the heart to cut it back.  Our orange tree in the corner seems very happy, blossoming, and smelling lovely!  

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