Tall hoss (Day 2558)

Another busy day started with an early wander with Sigyn. It was a lot cooler this morning, with a fairly cold breeze blowing. After dropping Sigyn at home, I headed to Tesco and got the weekly shopping done. It seems everything is more expensive again this week.
Home for breakfast, then my beautiful wife and I headed to Stromness and got out a really nice ride on George and Red. Back at the yard, after we had taken the saddles off, we let Red and George graze on the grass just outside the yard. George climbed up the banking on the outside of the way to get a better view of what we were up to, and to reach some particularly good grass.
Back home for lunch, then I took Sigyn out again while HV got ready and then zoomed off to work. When Sigyn was settled back at home I made for Stromness again to finish off sealing the outside of our field caravan and take it down to one of our summer grazing fields. Before heading for home, I gave Jeeps a bucket of feed and changed his rug - the weather is due to change later tonight and he will get cold. While Jeeps was eating, I spent a little while scratching George. Today it was, apparently, particularly important that I scratched his ankles. He nudged me around with his big nose to steer me in the right direction and picked up the itchy foot.
Another fine day, and another 30,000 steps. Back to work tomorrow for a rest!

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