Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Monday — Our SoCal ‘hood

This was definitely a quick-thought last-minute photo. I realized about dinner time that I had not captured a photo today. That knowledge sent me out the front door and this is my capture.

We leave in the morning for California’s Central Coast. We’ll be there about a month; so today was pack-it-up and clean-it-up day here at our SoCal place.

We started our morning having breakfast at my favorite pancake restaurant; then ran a few errands, and then back to the house where I vacuumed, did a couple loads of laundry, and gathered the things I want to take back to our coast place. In the morning I’ll change sheets on our bed, pack our things into the car, put the pups in their backseat beds, and then we’re outta here.

A 4+ hour drive north tomorrow will provide a complete change of scenery and a place where vacation mode is the priority of each day. We are spending more and more time on the Central Coast and enjoying it immensely.

From SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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