Life at 50mm

By Stevie378

Urban Water . . . . .

Just a short walk out for me today - what with the flat grey skies and the blustery wind I wasn't really feeling much like taking photos.
A quick trip along the local towpath really blew away the cobwebs ( and saw me almost blown into the canal one one occasion ) - and the clouds parted and revealed a little blue sky for just a few seconds - long enough for me to grab this shot of one of the more urban stretches of the Wyrley & Essington canal.

Full size version of this slot can be seen HERE, on my FLICKR PAGE

EDIT : Shortly before taking this photo I spotted the body of a dead white dog, which looked to me like a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, floating on the surface of the canal. I've just noticed an appeal on Facebook for info on a missing dog of the same breed and colour, from a resident of the estate that backs onto the canal. I felt I had to message the poster with the info, although I feel awful now for doing it. I do hope I'm wrong ....

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