Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Wednesday — Morning has Broken

We were awake at 5:45 this morning; it was already light outside. I asked Mr. Fun to make coffee because my head was aching; not enough caffeine yesterday caused that. One cup of coffee healed my headache.

I try not to drink lots of coffee on the mornings we are going to travel like yesterday (I used to do that also on the mornings when I was teaching, back before I retired).

Even though we were awake so early, we enjoyed a lazy, lazy, leisure morning. So at noon Mr. Fun went to the Sea Shanty restaurant to get two tuna salad sandwiches to go. We each ate only half of our sandwich, so we repeated our lunch menu at dinner time and had a half sandwich each; it was a relaxed enjoyable meal that I didn't need to cook.

Having no agenda is one of the features I love about being here at our retirement place.

I also love this geography! I captured this photo of Morro Rock one hour after I had been awake — at 6:45 just as the sunlight was reaching our town.

Late in the afternoon we drove to Tidelands Park in Morro Bay; we stepped out of the car and the cold ocean wind almost blew us over. We only walked for a few minutes, but enough to keep our pups happy.

Good night from
California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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