Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Thursday — The Boardwalk

When I showed this photo to Mr. Fun, he commented, “I’m just a walking fashion statement. Gosh, my hair sure looks gray.” I did not tell him that I was going to use this photo for today’s blip.

Little Mitzi was obediently following him on the boardwalk that meanders thru the back back back bay wilderness (I don’t know what they call this area); edit—it’s the Morro Bay estuary. Mitzi is 13 1/2 years old and not feeling well much of the time. “She has a shrinking trachea” the veterinarian tells us. It’s agonizing to us to listen to her cough/choke every morning and evening. Every day we give her meds for her condition. I really enjoyed watching her trot behind him.

Little Chloe (not in this photo) was in my arms. She’s afraid of walking on decks and piers. That is crazy funny to us because she acts like a little warrior most of the time, especially on the beach when other dogs get near me.

I’ve been told by my medical advisors that I need to walk 30 minutes every day. So I’m starting this daily habit. Today I walked from the north end of the Embarcadero in Morro Bay (Mr. Fun dropped me off there) to Tidelands Park at the south end to meet-up with Mr. Fun and the pups. We walked together a short walk and then I headed back to the other end of the Embarcadero where I had started and where Mr. Fun and the pups were waiting in the car for me. That round trip equaled 30 minutes. Hooray!

The highlight of the day possibly was a visit to the Cayucos Library. I got lots of goodies there at the friends store and “borrowed” three books.

That’s some of our Thursday,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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