Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I thought I'd show you a little bit more of the garden. 
It's a small cottage we have as our 'base' and where we meet every morning to discuss what's needed to be done during the day. In the first photo, at the top, you can se raised beds. That's where we weeded and sowed beans and peas yesterday.
Down left photo, shows part of the other side of the garden, including a smaller greenhouse and beehives. This morning I sowed sunflowers in the bed around the beehives and then helped out with planting fresh herbs in the raised beds on the side of the greenhouse. Then I was on water duty and watered around the beehives, which disturbed the bees a bit. They don't know me yet, so that was expected. I watered all of the raised beds that had something planted in them, a total of 7 with one still empty. I still feel unwell, but I think I have to get used to that at least this week. Then hopefully the last of my cold with pass.
I also got sunflower seeds with me home. I've had no luck at all with my large red ones and since I only have one seed left (out of five...) I asked what to do. Since the other three, of a different kind, is thriving in the same pot, there can't be anything wrong with the soil. And, that's how I ended up being gifted a lot of sunflower seeds, both high red ones and smaller white and yellow ones. I will be drowning in flowers! Not a bad thing to drown in... I think I need to put more pots by the front door than I planned to.
My plan for today was to go to the store after work and buy potting soil, a small bag just for the tomatoes that needs replanting, and also cut the rest of the hedge.
Since I was so tired and not feeling well when I came home, the hedge will have to wait a little bit longer... The downside is that more spiders will build nets in there and especially larger spiders... Not fun...

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