Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


No. Nothing sweet about this. 

There is an equivalent male torso. See the two side by side and the context shifts. Maybe it’s just meant to make you think but the message I get is: male or female we’re all a bit scared of getting hooked if we get too close. Like Velcro but without the built-in exit strategy. 

I’ve been in a Velcro relationship for nearly thirty years. We’re our own people and have our own strong views but totally stick together most of the time and turn to superglue when it really matters. 

Today was one of those days when you feel totally inseparable. 

Anyway this was in a pop-up in our local town centre, run by our local art gallery. Had a lovely long conversation with the curator. We shared a few stories and one or two contacts. Networking.

Rest of the day didn’t quite go to plan. But the sun rose, the sun set (rather gloriously) and we managed the good and bad weather in between. Nuff said.

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