Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Humble daisies.

The Feast Day of Saint Philip Neri. Of Florence. Italy.

I am feeling emotional and reflecting of my life journey a little today.
38 years ago on this date, my dear husband and me met at my cousin and his brother's wedding. It was one of those unexpected miracles.
I am so grateful God brought us mercifully together to share the path of Life. We both have faults to work on.
We rarely spend time together ironically, because he works long days in an office and I am a retired school teacher with a longing to spread the Good News and to point souls upwards to The Lord.
Since the terrible pandemic, which clearly shook the whole planet and woke up many but just mortified many, I realise how precious our time on Earth really is, as God's Spirit is Omnipresent, watching our love grow for goodness and truth, or sadly, other choices, that cause mayhem!
I am in need of constant inner prayerful vigilance, and submission to my Saviour. I fear for my children and Grandchildren with the world in the troubling tragedy it is displaying these days. We can all pray freely and also fast, from luxuries, support the food banks and available charities, if that is what seems fair and reasonable. We can see ourselves as brothers and sisters, or as mirrors, God positions for us to learn about our true inner being. 
The world influence is worse than in the time of Noah many believe. Staying peaceful is vital.
So forgive the preachiness. I often fail to open my heart loudly, and keep my faith within.
I hope every goodness will come to your path and you stay safely embraced by good angels and God's Love.

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