Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A place of prayer and quietness.

The Feast Day of St. Philip Neri.

Thankful to find a quiet place to pray and be grateful for this anniversary of first meeting Paul, my husband, 39 years ago, in the Church of the Holy Family, in Surrey, when his brother married my cousin.
It is a sad time too, because his Father passed away on 19th May and it is still difficult to cope with the emotions of that loss to our family.
I chose this view of the table and mantelpiece in our living room, bottom centre photo, because it is one I find solace in, and it is about faith in Jesus and Mary, my love for beauty and plants.
I hope the lovely weather continues to stay with us.
Have a wonderful time and thank you for visiting my site today, blip friends.
It is very warm, 20.5c so after going to get four pieces of my ID photocopied at our solicitor in Accrington and finding a parking place quite easily, I have been for a blip walk to the park where the trees provide shade and dappled light. I photographed a dear squirrel who sat on a tree stump and then jumped through the long grasses. I am sweating, so time to watch online Mass before lunch.
Thank you for all the lovely comments. All are appreciated. Made my day.
After 3pm I made a collage to show you some of the beautiful things I photographed today. The Horse Chestnut leaves are on a tree I grew from a conker in our garden. The squirrel was in Cut Wood Park. He was delightful and after a rest he scampered through the long grasses. The green and red narrowboat is on Leeds Liverpool canal.

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