My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Support Stafford Hospital

Seemingly the entire town of Stafford came out today in support of the hospital.

Since the publication of the public enquiry earlier this year, into the problems at Stafford back in 2008, and the appointment of the Special Administrators last month, there have been fears that services including A&E, Critical Care, and maternity could be lost. In response to this Support Stafford Hospital has been set up to campaign for the hospital and their first big plan was a a march from the town's Market Square up to the hospital.
I don't think they were quite expecting the 30,000+ people to turn out for it!

The turnout today was absolutely phenomenal and made me so proud of the town. This wasn't about jobs or unions or socialist workers, this was about a town showing that it wants it's hospital!

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