Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Sunday — Anniversary 57

Last week as we headed toward May 29th, the actual day of our 57th anniversary, I thought that we would be having a subdued celebration. Every anniversary can't be pompoms and confetti. So I was surprised when the "celebration for two" mushroomed so much bigger and better than I had anticipated. No explosions of confetti, but lots of sparkle all throughout the day and evening.

Mr. Fun thought we ought to go out to breakfast. So after church at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (live-streaming) we situated the pups here in the house so we would not need to be concerned with finding shade to park the car. We drove away from the house not sure where we were going. Mr. Fun mentioned “LoLo’s” and I mentioned “Blue Sky Bistro” on the Embarcadero right next to the water. We always love the thought of “hugging the H2O” so Blue Sky quickly became our target.

The wind was really rippin, as our weatherman had predicted, and finding a table next to a window just inside the door of the bistro was delightful; the air was just too cold to sit on the patio. When our waiter learned we were celebrating, and I told him, "Everyone said we'd never last," he slid right into our moment and invisible fireworks exploded into sparklies of fun in a room that was already warming with the chatter of happy holiday patrons at a half dozen tables. We ordered the veggie scramble and a glass for each of us of Tobin James "Dream Weaver" -- a local winery and, we discovered, a delicious bubbly. The morning was perfect on a day when perfect was more of a surprise than a plan.

After paying our bill we walked across the street to the "Garden Gallery" and wandered through a multitude of displays. It is located on land that was originally a boat yard and opened as a unique garden and art shop years ago in 1974. It is now a landmark on the Central Coast with displays from local craftsmen and selected pieces from around the world. The Garden Gallery reminds us of Roger's Gardens in Southern California's Newport Beach and hours could be spent wandering there.

Back home we enjoyed a leisurely afternoon with me thinking about making meatloaf for dinner and filling this house with the tantalizing aroma of my world famous recipe. Mr. Fun said, "Not a chance!" and he ushered us out the door and off to dinner and all over again fire works exploded and sparklies twinkled as we walked into Cayucos's renowned "Lunada Garden Bistro." The hostess asked if we had reservations; when we said, "No," she explained that there was no availability in the garden and walked us to the best window seat with a view of the Pacific Ocean across the street just beyond the Shoreline Inn. This elegant bistro is located in the historic Way Station, a property that dates back to the founding of Cayucos. The main dining room was built in 1876 and formerly housed weary travelers on their way along the coast. William Randolph Hearst stopped at the Way Station often before his famous castle was completed north of here on the coast. We shared a Cesar salad and both ordered the Baseball Sirloin Manhattan seered to perfection on the outside and pink on the inside. Tobin James "Dream Weaver" was so delicious at breakfast we requested it for our evening celebration. One piece of sea salted caramel ice cream pie with two spoons was our choice for dessert.

This day was more than pleasant and enhanced with the lovely extra of cards, notes, and texts from family and friends who noted the date.

Tomorrow we step into the first day of year 58.

From Anniversary-land,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun) aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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