
I went out for a run this morning. I did something really unlike me too - I left everything at home. I didn't take my phone, my iPod, a watch, money, water or a jacket. I just went out. It was quite liberating! I only went for a wee 5 miles, but it was my first real run since the marathon last week. My quads didn't particularly enjoy it, but they didn't grumble too much either; all in all, not a bad start again.

I'm now watching the London Marathon on TV. I'm really pleased I did a small marathon - there were 380ish participants at Lochaber last week compared to the 37,000 runners at London today. I would hate it there - I don't like crowds at all! There are a few people from my club running it so I'm supporting them (from afar). Another friend is running the Hamburg Marathon today too so good luck to him too!

This photo is especially for Jeanie53 - I know how she loves my grotesque feet shots! Although this one isn't as bad as previous years. I only have one really black toenail and a couple of purple ones. That's really good for me - I can't believe all are still attached!

I really like this shot, it's kind of like a monster rising from the deep (monsters like to rise through bubble bath don't you know!).

Exercise: 5 mile run
April running mileage: 61 miles
2013 running mileage: 386 miles

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