Beach brunch

We went to the beach for brunch. A bizarre brunch of sketti hoops and bread, but it's something she enjoys. We sat well away from the sea but shortly after this photo the sea came right to us. Swept the food, my phone and camera up in its waves and drenched the pair of us. The camera is ruined, the mama is distraught. But I put it in a bag, mentally and literally, and we continued on our adventure. Katie managed to protect her sketti sandwich so she wasn't hangry at least. We found a beautiful jelly bean shaped sea glass and a fossil, she climbed lots of rocks and she chased the foam of the waves, looking delightfully little girl-like.

We stopped at tesco for a substitute brunch for mama/second brunch for Katie. She did some piano. Ironically, I had to take her phone to be fixed after her uncle had accidentally smashed it. I did some jobs, she did some bassoon. We walked to the racecourse to get her second covid vaccination at last. She packed for back to school before snuggling down with Harry Potter on the TV. I made her salted caramel hot chocolate and chocolate orange pancakes with strawberries as a treat tea. I joked if she wanted pudding it would be cucumber and pepper sticks. Half an hour after her tea, she asked for them! Abort half an hour after that, she asked for her bed. She's had a wonderful half term. We aren't really ready for back to school. 

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