It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Sawfly Larvae

The weather put a real dampener on my weekend. Worked through gorgeous weather now the weekend its crap. Not conducive to bug photography.
Went back to bed!
Late afternoon I surfaced again and eventually it brightened, and as my mate Cat received her Raynox 250 it got me to do a test on my two main cameras.
I tested the Z7ii and the D850 at macro and with the Nikon 105mm autofocus and the Laowa 100mm manual focus lenses.
My findings were, the D850 had the edge on macro work for me. I find with an autofocus the D850 hit on focus quicker and was sharp. The Z7ii hunted a lot! And not all were in focus. 
With the manual lenses they both performed the same.
I love both the cameras but Ill probably use the D850 for macro more than the Z7ii.
The sawfly Larvae was only 10mm long.



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