Through the seasons

It always feels like coming home when I visit Saltaire, so much of my life was spent living close by. Our girls went to Saltaire school, we used to have weekly family trips to the Library . . . and we witnessed the development of Salts Mill to the wonderful centre that it is today.

I don’t need much of an excuse to visit, but today we went specifically to see the David Hockney composite iPad Painting - ‘A Year in Normandie’. He put together many of his iPad drawings that he completed during lockdown at his house in Normandy and they were made into this huge frieze currently on display in the roof space on the top floor of the Mill.

And it didn’t disappoint. There is lots of space to walk round and see the seasons change during one year. Well worth seeing. Some more pictures of it here

Of course we had to visit the cafe and the bookshop - books were bought. Then home via Settle for fish and chips and then the long way round via Penrith so as to avoid going anywhere near Appleby. ‘Clip clop, clip clop’ I can hear from where I am sitting now!

*The amazing chimney
*The Mill, looking good in the sunshine
*The top floor with all the roof windows to allow as much light as possible onto the rows and rows of spinning and weaving machines.
*And one of the best bookshops anywhere

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