Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Hotel Recreation Area

Early breakfast today after a proper sleep. Cool and sunny outside, the breakfast is in a different room again. I do a post breakfast walk around the hotel quiet area, obviously designed for artistic photos for family occasions. There's also a small football pitch and a beach volleyball court. Monday's business conference is a Bank Polski car leasing event.

Then it's back to the room to pack everything and leave the bags at reception. We all head for an early lunch.

Get picked up at 2pm for the airport transfer. It goes fine, although the driver leaves the motorway early as there is a 2 hour delay on the main roads near Warsaw. But it is a nice uneventful journey on an A type road. this area of Poland is really flat. But we get to the airport dead on time. Only Ryanair fly from this small airport. There isn't much choice in the duty free. Flight leaves a little late, but gets to Edinburgh a wee bit ahead of time.

Pizza ordered while on the way home. Tasty.

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