This is the retaining wall the tree destroyed when it fell and caused an explosion, with a wild lily to make it pretty.
I went off to the nursery because it is prettier and nicer than the Brookside Gardens (to my taste anyway). It was like going to the zoo but better because you get to touch all the animals. They actually closed at 4 but let me stay nearly an hour later.
I got to see the yellow my Summer Gold will be when it is yellow. I got to see what a bigger version of my little Chimera tree will look like (cuter now). There is a conifer named Poodle! They had three of a tree that looks like it has yellow and red and orange hearts for leaves named Flamethrower. So many good-looking, fascinating trees, in their property and for sale.
And then, tonight, the cheesecake. Five different types of peaches including one that had red around the edge so it would be so beautiful. Champagne and gelatin in the top. The crust has shortbread. She made it with paper around the outside and then this metal thing that has a latch. You unlatch it, the metal expands, you lift it up, exposing the beautiful layers of cheesecake. Yes, the cheesecake had three layers with the top layer of champagne and gelatin having slices of peaches in it. The most sophisticated, refined dessert I've ever had.
Russia annually holds a big economic forum. It costs $16.6k to attend. Firms would try to curry favor with Putin by throwing glitzy parties. This year firms don't want to go. They are afraid they'll be targeted for sanctions. Some of them are going to leave early to avoid Putin's speech. They asked that badges not include their names. There are not a lot of parties planned and it is hard to justify the entry fee, especially when international firms won't be there. In past years they had Macron, Indian Minister Narendra Modi, and Xi Jinping. This year they have an Afghan Taliban representative, someone from Myanmar, and someone from Venezuela.
The 3D printing community has demonstrated yet another way people around the world have been helping Ukraine. Jacob Kaminsky, a robotics engineering graduate student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts, learned from his friend, a surgeon in Ukraine, that tourniquets were needed. So Kaminski and volunteers designed and refined eight versions until they made one durable enough for war, that was easy for a soldier to tie, and could be printed with consistently high quality. They've uploaded their best design to the internet. 120 people and companies worldwide have accessed it and made about 5,000 reusable tourniquets for Ukraine.
As more volunteers joined the resistance there was more need for weapons components and accessories, so 3D printers make AK-47 holsters, bullet magazines, bags to carry grenades, and anti-reflective lenses for sniper scopes.
A physical therapist makes 3D printed splints that can treat hand fractures. He created two designs that have been uploaded online and printed over 1,500 times.
Never mess with a librarian. You want to get through college, make friends with the librarian. Librarians can help you find whatever it is you need once you graduate too, including if you have a weird legal question. Librarians began the resistance when we elected a corrupt and evil man. Now, 1,300 librarians, historians, teachers, and kids are backing up Ukraine's digital archives, from historical records and census data, to children's poems and basket weaving techniques. It is called Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online.
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