Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Cuppa anyone

Went to an exhibition last weekend, and the entry fee included a raffle ticket. Last night got a phone call to say I had won a tea set and could I pick it up today. This is what I won, its actually a plant pot and saucer and when I find the right plant to go in it it will take pride of place in my garden.

Another difficult day with my mum, I think she forgets that although she is on holiday we live here and have things to do. So today I have shelved all the things I should have done to take her to Alicante to have a cup of tea and a piece of cheesecake, wander aimlessly round El Corte Inglaise (large department store), get in the car and drive back. Did a lovely casserole for tea but she couldn't eat all of hers as she was full from having the cheesecake at 4.15pm. She's a bit miffed that Roy and I will be out from 8am until about 3pm tomorrow as it is our golf day, and I need the day away to retain my sanity. Hey ho one day I'll be old and Sarah will be saying the same things about me, or is she now!!!!!

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