Two poodles at Runnymede

Today I had agreed to look after a friends poodle( Magic)  for 24 hours as she was going out for a long day. I arranged to meet up with a friend at Runnymede who is  also looking after her sons poodle ( Bruno) while they are on holiday.
I had not walked around Runnymede for several years so we visited the various memorials…John F Kennedy, the Magna Carta and also the more recent artworks - the Jurors and the latest ‘Writ in Water’ by Mark Wallinger. See extra taken from inside . He drew inspiration from Clause39 of the Magna Carta. The inscription is seen as reflection in the water ( very difficult to photograph without a special lens) and I thought  it quite pertinent today in the light of the ongoing issue of deporting refugees to Rwanda.  “ No free man shall be seized or imprisoned , or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled……….”

Very hot again 28.5C on my car as I drove back after a quick lunch at the NT cafe and a walk along the river where many people were sitting by the water in chairs they had brought  as there is a big NT car park. I noticed an advert for summer staff for the large passenger boats which do trips on the river from Windsor to Staines and Hampton Court  and thought that would be a nice holiday job for a student!

Now to watch some more tennis from Queens and I hope our guest dog sleeps OK here as it’s the first time she has stayed overnight!

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