Early walk

I haven’t written that for a while! However it was hot and i woke up early so had a quick cup of tea and did my normal circuit. I listened to an interesting podcast about education in the UK. Interesting statistic - in the years between 2010 - 2025 spending on health will/has gone up by 42% but spending on education in the same period is/will be only 3%. Ok so we have been through a pandemic but much of that health spending was wasted/squandered. Anyway - home for a quick shower and change then second training session for schools mentoring volunteering. I had forgotten to take my DBS evidence for final checks so had two journeys. Hope the checks come back soon so I start before the end of term. I did a bit in the garden but it was a bit too hot so I made a cake for tomorrow (which looks a bit over cooked) and sat in the shade and read a book. Follow up appointment with GP tonight about cholesterol ( first phone call to make enquiries about that and other minor health concerns was back in March - three months ago!! ) Not sure where the money is being spent - doesn’t appear to be at my gp surgery?

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