More beach

Up early to make a lemon drizzle and cheese scones. The girls came at 11.00 and although it was hot we sat in the garden. Good to catch up and very complimentary about the garden but when you’re hosting it’s not easy to chat to everyone. OH hope from golf about 1.30 and stragglers left. Quickly loaded the dishwasher and flask made and we headed off to the beach again. We checked the weather and as the wind was blowing from the south, we went to the north coast and it was perfect. I swam and the sea was cool and clear. We packed up around 7.30 and walked along to get fish and chips (scampi for me). Home by 9.00 and car unpacked, washing off the line, tomatoes watered, showered and a quick episode of Midwich Cuckoos - modern take on the book I remember reading 30 years ago.
Another good day.

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