am bioran

By AmBioran

Sgurr nan Lochain Uaine

Day One of the next leg of my attempt at the Cape Wrath Trail. This is my third section having done the second leg two years back. (Cluanie to Strathcarron).

I dumped the car at Garve, then caught the train to Strathcarron before walking up to the Bealach Ban, passing the Clach na con Fionn (the legendary stone used by Fionn). Then across open hillsides overlooking Glen Torridon, along massive sandstone slabs and terraces to pass between the frozen lochs in the picture. On the top of this Corbett the wind was wild, but only a foretaste of what was to come on the next hill, Sgurr Dubh.

The ground between the two hills was complex; too complex for the map so that I had to backtrack a couple of times to avoid small crags and unmarked lochans. Sgurr Dubh was a pile of shattered quartzite and with the squally showers passing through, the rock was slippery as glass. Even though there was a rainbow visible from the summit, I couldn't enjoy it due to being bullied to a crawl by the wind.

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