Bamaluz Beach

OMG, hasn't it been hot today. I went for my walk down on Porthmeor beach this morning at 7.45am and it was hot, hot, hot. My human went to a Pilates class 9-10am and when she came home, she just plonked herself down on our very sunny sun terrace for the rest of the day. Does she really want to turn into a lobster? She took me into the field at lunchtime for a little toilet break.

At about 3.45pm it seemed to be getting a bit cooler so we had a trek around town and ended up at Bamaluz Beach. We didn't get home till 6pm. Yay! Bamaluz Beach is 'doggie friendly' all the year round but there's only a beach there when the tide is out. The tide was out so Ann sat on a rock like Shirley Valentine and watched me play. I stole a ball off a silly little Cockerpoo who was no where near as speedy as me. Ann made me give it back, but then the Cockapoos owner said he had loads of balls and I could have one to keep. Yay!!! Obviously Ann didn't tell him that I've got more than 30 manky old balls in my Edinburgh manky old balls box. And 13 in my St Ives toy bucket???
I'm lying flaked out now. This heat is exhausting.

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