Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Australian visitors

Gavin isn’t sleeping very well at the moment as he is so busy at work and has lots on his mind, so as a result I am not sleeping well – I was awake really early, had a run and then was out walking Xena after an early breakfast. Today was sunny and warm once again, but not unbearably hot like last week.

Later in the morning I went to Denbies Wine Estate where two members of our camera club have a photography exhibition in the exhibition gallery there. It was an exhibition by a group of five photographers who exhibit there every year, and it was very interesting seeing their work and comparing their different styles. Quite a few members of our camera club went to see it and afterwards we had cappuccinos outside in the sunshine.

The youngest son of one of my long standing friends, who lives in Australia, is in London as part of a holiday to Europe this summer (his brother is my godson). As arranged, he and his girlfriend met Gavin at his office after work and Gavin drove them to our house for supper (train strikes meant they could not get the train to our house). Gavin picked up Luke on the way - he was hoping to see all the boys but it’s a bit far for Adam and Tommy to come from Cambridge for supper. I have not seen him for about 8 years now, so it was lovely to catch up again. They are a gorgeous young couple and it was lovely to have their company for the evening, thanks Matt and Ebs for coming to see us. I remembered to take some photos of them after dinner, and Luke took this one of us. After dinner Gavin took them to their airport hotel as tomorrow morning they fly to Italy. I am quickly posting this now before I go to sleep.
By the way, I mentioned the May Balls at Cambridge and there is a wonderful photographer who I follow on Instagram, he has captured some fantastic shots of the post exam antics of the students – if you are on Instagram his photos are worth looking at A Cambridge Diary

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