Another Day ....

.... another sculpture exhibition. This time we went to Fresh Air Sculpture 2022 at Quenington. The other one on Monday was a rehearsal really, as the Quenington exhibition is the subject of one of our camera club annual competitions this coming year. I don't think it was as good as the Cotswold Sculpture Park exhibition, and I don't think I got anything good enough, different enough to win the trophy.

We did like 'Sitting Reading', the main blip, apart from the £9800 price. We gave her a catalogue to read, £5 in addition to the £10 entrance fees. I thought it was overpriced really, especially as we had to park what seemed like half a mile away, and the catering facilities were poor.

The first extra is a composite of two glass sculptures, Blue Flame and Red Flame, £3000 and £3500 respectively. Somehow I missed Purple Flame.
The second extra is part of The Colour Of Mourning, £15000.

The final extra is called 'The Preening Lesson' :-)

In other news, this morning we had a video call with my BIL and SIL. They are on schedule to come to the UK on 28 June and then have to find a permanent address quickly so that SIL can progress her residency application. The window cleaner also came this morning, I slipped him an extra £5 to clean the veranda roof.

One year ago:
(Not) A Perfect Specimen
I don't think I have seen as many butterflies this year as in previous years.

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