1950’s dresses

These are two dresses that were mine when I was young! They were both ‘best’ dresses which I expect I wore on Sundays and when visiting relations. The white one was bought in a shop but the blue one was made by a dressmaker and is so beautifully sewn with lovely buttons on the back and delicate buttonholes. The smocking on both dresses is very good and it was very fashionable then. I think I have a photograph of myself in the smaller dress! I will need to find it.
Now they are sorted out I will hang in a wardrobe. 

Another very warm day and we went to friends for lunch and sat in their garden…I forgot to take photos! 
Lots of activity on the river…rowers from Surbiton High School and Kingston Rowing club, various paddle boarders and canoeists as well as some small motor boats.

Now to water the garden and tie up the tomatoes which are flourishing in this warm weather.

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