Operation "Manna"sculpture

This sculpture at the International Bomber command memorial in Lincoln by Phil Neal commemorates the RAF relief flights over the Netherland towards the end of WW2. for more information on the operation here is a link :-Manna memorial .
It has been a strange day my daughter and partner caught the bus to Skegness  at 10 AM and for some reason I thought my table tennis started then, but ended up nearly interrupting the ladies keep fit class that has the hall before us !! so popped back home to be greeted by laughter from my neighbors as I had red shorts, red socks a Bombers American football shirt and a bombers baseball cap !! :-) Pleased to say 2 of us at table tennis had shorts on .
This afternoon decided to go to the memorial to update my membership details ,opened my wallet no cards just cash so had a coffee and sped back home hoping the cards had not fallen out somewhere , big relief as they were on my sewing table, Phew !!
Finished the evening with a Chilli Con Carne at the Adam and Eve washed down with a pint :-)

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