
I was on my knees and elbows, carefully weeding around my cosmos plants (which had been inundated with tiny grasses) and I looked over to see this small garter snake slide out of the grass and contemplate what I was doing. I luckily had my phone in my pocket and it sat there long enough for me to get a photo. I even got one with his little red tongue sticking out! Then over the fence into the garden proper. I happen to like snakes so this wasn't an issue. And we have no poisonous ones in Maine so there is that.
The extra are my alvaro melons, which are small cantaloupes, finally getting planted out. There are 5 more for a total of 9. They look so beautiful I'm a bit worried about the bug damage now they are out. I did cover them with little boxes to let them get bigger before fending for themselves. I can't do any worse than last year when all 15 of mine died from squash bugs. Here's to cantaloupes in August!!

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