Fitzbilly at Fitzbillies

After a hearty college full English breakfast three of us decided to have a walk down to the centre of Cambridge to see what memories we could stir up. What do you know, there are now two 'Fitzbillies'. I probably mentioned before that my Twitter name is also fitzbilly and in the past I have received misdirected tweets meant for Fitzbillies, usually mentioning cake. I once replied 'let me know when you are coming and I will put the kettle on' and got a shirty reply back.

We also saw punts of course (first extra). You can now have a chauffeured punt experience. A friend was quoted £60, but with an £18 discount if they went straight away. I suppose that's not too bad if you don't want to try it yourself. I was never very confident.

The second extra is a panorama of Trinity College Great Court, where the Great Court Run is attempted, as featured in the film Chariots Of Fire. One of the benefits of being a member of the university is that you can usually get access to colleges which are otherwise closed to visitors, as was the case here today.

Anyway, home now, a much quicker run than the journey yesterday. I'd forgotten by the way all those tedious Milton Keynes roundabouts. They used to make daughter#1 feel car sick on her university runs. I never had that problem. We didn't have a car so I used to go on the train having sent my trunk on, luggage in advance. There were lots of students being collected by parents today and they all have an amazing amount of stuff to pack in the car nowadays.

Will try to catch up with blip tomorrow.

One year ago:
Co(w)ntortionist And Mole's House

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